函数OptanonWrapper(){窗口.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}卡韦拉印第安人的阿瓜·卡连特部落 | Visit California



Bolstered by a glistening new cultural plaza in downtown Palm Springs, this federally recognized Tribe is connecting its ancient past with its dynamic present

卡韦拉印第安人的阿瓜·卡连特部落 重新定义了来自世界各地的游客到这个著名的南加州目的地的游客体验. 的 Tribe recently opened its new world-class day spa, ssamac -he的水疗中心, 棕榈泉市中心的 阿瓜卡连特文化广场 (the museum and the rest of the plaza are slated to open in late 2023). 新的水疗中心设有22个私人浴池,让水疗者体验部落古老的热矿泉.

尽管阿瓜卡连特为其500多名部落成员扩大了经济基础,并在当代棕榈泉发挥着日益增长和充满活力的作用, 联邦承认的部落致力于加强与其祖先的古老世界的文化联系. 

Agua Caliente Tribal members had envisioned the cultural plaza, 有博物馆和水疗中心, 30多年了, 部落主席里德说. Milanovich, whose late father Richard served as chairman for nearly 28 years. 米兰诺维奇认为,该广场将被证明是阿瓜卡连特有史以来最重要的项目之一.

As Milanovich said in a 2022 interview with Palm Springs TV station KESQ, “We will have the ability to educate the public about who we are as a people. bbin游戏官网的传统. 它将在旧的传统生活和现代生活之间架起一座桥梁……最重要的是它是由bbin游戏官网讲述的. It is not another organization, another museum talking about the Agua Caliente Tribe. 它是通过bbin游戏官网自己的声音. 的 power of that is incredibly significant.”

While the Agua Caliente is an important part of modern Palm Springs, Tribal members are never far away from their timeless connections to this desert land. 的 Tribe still owns and manages the 印度的峡谷, home to the stands of native California fan palms that gave Palm Springs its name, 和塔克兹峡谷, 圣哈辛托山脚下的一个自然区域,有一个60英尺高的瀑布,是一个重要的部落传说的发生地.


“It’s not just about our generation,” said Milanovich in the television interview. “I think it’s incredibly important that we remember that the decisions we make today, 它们不只是为bbin游戏官网今天准备的, 而是为了子孙后代的进步. It’s what the previous generations did for us. You look at the struggles that they went through to get us where we are today. Now it is our job in this generation to continue that path of moving forward.”



分布在5个.棕榈泉市中心的8英亩土地,新的 阿瓜卡连特文化广场 is one of the country’s largest Native American museums and cultural centers. 它的开发既是为了向游客介绍该地区部落的历史,也是为了庆祝和保存今天阿瓜卡连特人的传统. 文化广场引人注目的当代设计和定制的水磨石地板在博物馆和水疗大楼从阿瓜卡连特的制篮传统中汲取灵感. 事实上,这些瓷砖图案直接来自部落自己历史上篮子上的图案.

这个博物馆以一个主题来吸引游客, non-chronological journey through the world of the Agua Caliente, 有一个主10,000-square-foot exhibition space that introduces visitors to aspects of Tribal culture. 游客可以在一个短的360度数字动画演示中体验创造和迁移的故事,该动画投影在最先进的剧院的环绕墙上.

广场的绿洲步道, 有流水的小路, 巨石, 高耸的加利福尼亚扇棕榈重现了附近印第安峡谷的环境, 从博物馆到 ssamac -he的水疗中心 (开水声). 22间私人浴室, 还有游泳池, 在这里,你可以完全沉浸在古老的阿瓜卡连特世界中,浸泡在8号喷泉提供的矿泉水中,000 feet underground by the very hot springs that gave the Tribe its name. Milanovich described the ancient water as “the heart, it is the soul of this Tribe.”

If you’re looking for a place to stay and play in the Coachella Valley, 阿瓜卡连特部落拥有并经营 赌场度假胜地 in Rancho Mirage, as well as two casinos in Palm Springs and Cathedral City. 每一个这些属性都有自己的特点和吸引力,包括Rancho Mirage的 这个节目这是一座拥有2032个座位的音乐厅,从威利·纳尔逊(Willie Nelson)到斯汀(Sting),都曾在这里演出. Golfers will want to tee up at the Tribe’s 印第安峡谷高尔夫度假村自1961年开业以来,这是一个吸引了总统和名人的经典景点. 的 golf resort’s two courses rank with the best in the golf-mad Coachella Valley.

For the more natural side of the Agua Caliente 印度n Reservation, Tahquitz峡谷 让您发现一个具有重大文化意义和惊人美丽的地区-从60英尺的瀑布到历史地标和春天的野花. A 1.8英里的环形步道探索峡谷, 这里既可以自助游,也可以和部落护林员一起远足,这些护林员会让这个地区的精神意义和悠久的历史鲜活起来. Filled with stands of towering native California fan palms, the 印度的峡谷—Andreas, Murray, and Palm—are prime destinations for wildlife viewing. 长达15英里的棕榈峡谷是世界上最大的加州扇棕榈绿洲,全程开放供徒步旅行和骑马. But there are also shorter hiking options on the canyons’ 60英里步道网, including an easy 1-mile loop through Andreas Canyon.


During construction of the 阿瓜卡连特文化广场, 部落考古监察员努力确保任何出土的文物都能得到保护. 的y discovered a rich trove of items—spear and projectile points, 磨石和工具, 还有蛤蜊和鲍鱼的贝壳珠. 这些物品的碳年代测定表明,该遗址的人类存在可以追溯到8年前,000年.

阿瓜卡连特部落是南加州联邦政府承认的九个卡韦拉部落之一. 该地区水量惊人地丰富, which the early Agua Caliente efficiently used by building irrigation ditches, 大坝, 小型水库, 允许他们种植瓜类作物, 豆子。, 和玉米. 从历史上看, the Agua Caliente also gathered an assortment of foods from native plants, 包括橡子, 豆科灌木bean, 还有野果, 还有篮子的材料.

Basket weaving is an integral part of Cahuilla culture. According to the Tribe, the Agua Caliente traded baskets and used them in daily life. 超出实际用途, 篮子通过植物和动物的图像分享了卡韦拉人的故事, 尤其是鸟和蛇. 作为一种成人仪式,当年轻的部落成员成年时,长老们还会送给他们篮子.

Today’s Agua Caliente are keeping alive basket weaving and other traditional arts, 比如陶器, by taking classes offered by the Tribe to learn these ancient crafts. 更多的 Tribal members are also studying the Cahuilla language, 哪种语言被认为是极度濒危的,只有少数人能流利地使用.

的 Agua Caliente 印度n Reservation encompasses more than 31,000英亩, 包括6个,棕榈泉市有700人死亡. 这些土地并不是连续的形成了棋盘状的平方英里的地块因为在19世纪50年代, 在保留区边界建立之前,联邦政府将部分土地授予了南太平洋铁路公司.

最近,你.S. President Joe Biden signed into law an agreement for a land exchange that will put 2,占地560英亩 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument 阿瓜·卡连特的信托基金. 米兰诺维奇说,这项协议是阿瓜卡连特多年努力的结果, “这些土地对卡韦拉人具有长期的文化和自然资源价值.”

2023年初, 阿瓜卡连特还成功地与联邦和地方官员合作,将一个带有贬义的地名从墨西哥的一个地形上移除 千棕榈绿洲保护区. It’s now known as Múmamet Hill, which means “Great Hill” in Cahuilla.



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