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Here’s where Yoda, Darth Vader, 和 their friends would go to relax

的 Force may be strong—but the need for a vacation can weaken even the toughest Jedi knight. While the anticipation of more new movies keeps fans in a lather of excitement, bbin游戏官网挚爱的(和勤奋的) 星球大战 角色显然需要一些停机时间.

当然,他们可以反击 星球大战: Galaxy’s Edge占地14英亩的主题公园位于 迪斯尼乐园度假村 that transports one to the planet Batuu by way of rides on the Millennium Falcon, lightsaber-making, 还有蓝牛奶之类的点心. But there are plenty of other spots around the Golden State that would appeal to our intergalactic friends, 所以bbin游戏官网扮演了他们的旅行代理. 这里有一些很棒的, only-in-California vacations that will suit their individual needs—trips that would help anyone recharge for life’s battles (or other sequels) that may lie ahead.


Lord Vader will no doubt be drawn to this national park based on its name alone—but taking nature walks to look for birds 和 wildflowers will also help the former Anakin reconnect with his good side. 自 死亡谷 is the nation’s largest national park with “Dark Sky” designation (i.e. exceptional stargazing), Vader can spend his evenings looking for new galaxies to conquer—嗯哼,探索.


他总是有冲浪者的认真态度(还有他的发型), so this desert boy is overdue to catch some waves—和 using the Force will help minimize wipeouts. 他会去海滩取样 圣地亚哥从科罗拉多到圣奥诺弗雷, 在奥兰治县, 但他会特别喜欢恩西尼塔斯的斯瓦米海滩, a great break point named for the meditation-friendly ashram next door.


California may not be known for its swamps, where the diminutive Jedi master would feel at home. 但他会喜欢香醇的 庞大的湖泊 for its natural hot springs—like the ones at Benton 和 Keough—where he can work out some kinks. 毫无疑问,他也想去附近看看 莫诺湖:浅层, 超咸湖曾经是内海, 如今被石灰岩“凝灰岩”塔所环绕. 它很古老,有点另类,就像尤达大师一样.


Thinking about this intergalactic couple is now bittersweet—but in better times, Han Solo 和 Princess/General Leia could have found some peaceful alone time in the American Riviera. 浪漫之城 圣芭芭拉分校 is laid-back enough for him 和 luxurious enough (but nicely under-the-radar) for her. 他可能会租一架飞机从空中查看海岸线, then do some old-school sightseeing in a top-down convertible car. 她可以一日游到 圣伊内斯谷葡萄酒之乡, 带回来几瓶霞多丽和品丽珠, 他们会很高兴地争吵他们最喜欢哪一个.


这位职业冲锋队员经历了重大的转变 《bbin游戏官网》加入抵抗组织. But hey, stepping into the light is not just about changing your insides. 还有比这更好的地方来完成他戏剧性的改造吗 贝弗利山? 只要他卸下劳动节后的白色盔甲, he’ll be ready for some spa treatments to invigorate his skin 和 helmet hair, 然后在罗迪欧大道上大换装.


This plucky gal has honed her skills as a junk scavenger in the desert of Jakku—和 she’s ready to go upscale with her love of upcycling. 的 棕榈泉 区域对她来说是一种审美享受, thanks to its time capsule of midcentury modern architecture 和 its dozens of antique 和 vintage shops. (Plus, she can choose her favorite way to chill—from rock climbing in nearby 约书亚树国家公园 去度假酒店的泳池边喝鸡尾酒.)


This persnickety multi-linguist has always been both a geek 和 a bit of a snob, so the 海湾地区 他的属灵母船吗. He’ll fill his days in the city with pour-over coffees 和 artisanal cuisine in 旧金山,向北走 金门大桥 品酒须知 纳帕谷,然后向南冒险去 硅谷,向微处理器喷涌而出 圣克拉拉’s Intel Museum or driving slowly past the garage in Los Altos where Steve Jobs started Apple.

r2 - d2:好莱坞

While some celebs might don a privacy-seeking baseball cap 和 shades for their time off, 但这个超级明星机器人却不是这样. 他准备好看了  让别人看到你,还有比这更好的办法吗 洛杉矶? 他可以在Musso餐厅吃点东西 & 弗兰克烧烤店或粉红热狗店,然后去 好莱坞星光大道 用自己的车轮印自拍, 和 maybe throw shade at the Darth Vader impersonator in front of the 好莱坞 & 高地中心.


绝地大师一直喜欢独处, 所以他将沿着1号国道进行令人敬畏的驾驶. Along the redwood-cloaked cliffs of Big Sur he can take meditation 和 yoga workshops at 沙伦研究所, or find his own Zen-perfect space overlooking McWay Falls at 茱莉亚·菲佛·伯恩斯州立公园. 的se idyllic spots, cloaked by redwoods 和 fog, are perfect for the hoodie-wearing wise man.


巨大的伍基人, 谁一直站在汉的阴影下, may be hungry to reconnect with some peers—or at least see Sasquatch, 据说有人在北加州发现了他. Chewie will road-trip on the Redwood Coast, along Route 96—including the so-called 大脚景区小路在那里他可以找到雪人雕像, 壁画, 而且也不乏大脚怪纪念品, 特别是在柳溪镇和快乐营地.


这个圆底机器人可能是镇上新来的可爱孩子, but he knows how to give props to his machine elders—和 not just R2-D2. 他将前往州首府看看 萨克拉门托的历史悠久的铁马 加州州立铁路博物馆, 和 wax nostalgic for the early days of transcontinental rail travel. 假设他成年了, he might also explore one part of Sactown’s 21st-century personality, 在蓬勃发展的精酿啤酒厂中发现.


可爱的生物来自 绝地归来 感受过名人带来的痛苦和狂喜吗, 没有地方能像家一样让我重新振作起来. 在这种情况下,小家伙们应该去这里 州立公园 in 洪堡县, whose Cheatham Grove provided the setting for the scooter chase on the planet of Endor. 就像伊渥克人一样, the 州立公园 is compact but full of life: just one square mile, 但这里有五英里长的徒步小径.


自 this angry young man was responsible for his father’s demise in 《bbin游戏官网》, he might be tempted to go underground for a while—和 he’s in luck. 沙斯塔瀑布 熔岩床国家纪念碑 这里有700个洞穴, shaped when volcanic lava cooled into eerie tubes; the caves provided hideouts during the Modoc War of 1872–1873 和 offer cool, 今日幽静探索. 

凯洛·伦可以通过探索更多的地方来延长他的假期 加州的地下景点,来自 呻吟的洞穴 in Gold Country (deep enough to hold the Statue of Liberty) to the stalactite-filled 水晶洞穴 in Sequoia National Park (和 since it’s always about 50 degrees in this marble cavern, 他可以戴着面具呆得很舒服。. 


的 enigmatic bounty hunter knows what it’s like to be surrounded by questions: Is he dead? 他还活着吗?? 为什么他曾经同意出现在 《bbin游戏官网》? 他会觉得探索这个很自在 奇怪的、杂乱的维多利亚式豪宅 in 圣荷西, which was built over the course of 38 years by the eccentric heiress of the Winchester firearm empire. While the fascinating 160-room mansion does not display the kind of weaponry that Fett might add to his arsenal, 它确实有47个壁炉, 40个楼梯, 还有13间浴室,但奇怪的是只有一个淋浴. 


的 longtime frenemy of Han Solo gets back into the pilot seat of the Millennium Falcon in 天行者的崛起. And while he can get some practice manning the ship on the Smugglers Run ride at 星球大战: Galaxy’s Edge at 迪斯尼乐园度假村, Calrissian might ease back into the joys of flight by taking a 乘坐热气球 越过内陆帝国连绵起伏的山丘. 世界上的男人也会喜欢一些游戏 泰梅库拉谷’s 佩查加度假村赌场以及该地区许多知名餐厅的品尝活动 酒庄.


