function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}北岸红杉、海景、品酒|加州之旅


Find your awe in fern-festooned forests, cloud-scraping redwoods, and relentless surf, 然后啜饮莱克县鲜为人知的葡萄酒产区出产的葡萄酒. 

Start:Crescent City
8 - 9Days,9Stops,669Miles
Crescent City
Weott / Avenue of the Giants
Fort Bragg
Stop 1

Crescent City

1001 Front St., Crescent City

Redwood-bounded Crescent City 位于本州的左上角, 在那里,古树长得很高,海浪冲击着布满岩石的海岸. 从查看历史博物馆的每日行程开始您的访问 Battery Point Lighthouse. When the tide recedes, 你可以走到这个位于近海岩石上的水手灯塔,爬上螺旋形的楼梯到灯塔. A short walk away, pop in to Seaquake Brewing在他高大的仓库里,可以喝到金黄色的麦芽酒或不含酒精的康普茶,再配上新英格兰蛤蜊浓汤. Four miles south of town, hike to Enderts Beach 欣赏南面边缘的潮池. 你可能会看到海胆、海葵、海星、帽贝等等.

Stop 2


57 Main St., Trinidad

坐落在岬角,俯瞰着茶杯般的海港,风景如画 Trinidad makes it hard to put your camera away. 从陆地上徒步到特立尼达岬角的顶端,看看这里的景色, or join a guided paddling excursion with Kayak Trinidad 在特立尼达湾受保护的水域与海豹和海鸟交流. Swing over to Sue-meg State Park to search for gems at Agate Beach, 或者徒步穿过主教松和锡特卡云杉的隧道到达婚礼岩, a coastal overlook atop a stalwart sea stack. At dinnertime, cozy up at Larrupin Cafe 在闪烁的灯光和不拘一格的装饰下,供应豆腐烤肉串或菲力牛排. 临睡前,看星星在水面上闪烁 Turtle Rocks Oceanfront Inn

Stop 3


205 G St., Eureka

Soak in the sea-salty air in Eureka香港是一个拥有丰富海洋遗产的港口城市. 当您乘坐1909年的木制巡洋舰漂浮在洪堡湾时,了解这座城市迷人的过去 Madaket. 自助游市中心保存完好的维多利亚式建筑,并参观当地的建筑 Humboldt County artists at the Morris Graves Museum, housed in a stately 1902 Carnegie Library. Swing into Humboldt Bay Provisions to taste oysters harvested from the bay. For dinner, Tavern 1888 供应超本地美食——来自Fungaia Farms的蘑菇, 来自小河农场和洪堡水力农场的生菜,以及来自洪堡和阿卡塔湾的海鲜. 睡在维多利亚辉煌的红润中 Pinc Lady Mansion这是一辆1889年的安妮女王(Queen Anne)葡萄酒,装饰着彩色玻璃窗和姜饼装饰. 

Stop 4

Weott / Avenue of the Giants

17119 Avenue of the Giants, Weott

沃特是北部的起点 Avenue of the Giants, a 31.5-mile route enveloped by titanic redwoods. 沿着这条路可以看到世界上近60%的最高树木, 所以准备好伸长脖子,反复说“哇”吧. Stop into the Humboldt Redwoods State Park Visitor Center to learn about this astounding ecosystem, and pull over for a slow, 恭敬地在德鲁里-钱尼树林的针叶树丛中散步, Rockefeller Forest, or Founders Grove. When you need a food stop, Redwood Palace 在米兰达镇,人们以汉堡、沙拉和熟食满足自己的需求. End your redwood-filled day at Garberville’s Benbow Historic Inn, a 1920s resort on the Eel River. 

Stop 5

Fort Bragg

217 S. Main St., Fort Bragg

绵延数英里的太平洋边缘野生风光吸引着你流连忘返 Fort Bragg. Start with an oceanside walk on the paved Coastal Trail, then pay a visit to the International Sea Glass Museum在那里展出了3000多件海玻璃和海中倾倒的兵马俑. 在Jug Handle海滩享受更多的冲浪表演 Jug Handle State Natural Reserve, five miles south of town. From the reserve’s parking lot, 生态阶梯自然步道沿着一系列波浪形梯田向内陆延伸, showing off a variety of flora. 想看更多的植物戏剧,在玫瑰、秋海棠和高耸的树木中漫步 Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. 47英亩的保护区提供了一个灿烂的树叶显示全年, 但春天是最引人注目的季节,超过1,000 rhododendrons burst into bloom. At dinnertime, head to The Wharf 在诺约港吃海鲜、蟹肉饺子,并有机会观看渔船进场. 

Stop 6


45035 Main St., Mendocino

Wander the art-centric village of Mendocino, 在那里,19世纪的别墅前面是玫瑰缠绕的尖桩栅栏,商店里摆满了海岸艺术品和独一无二的礼物. Order a cappuccino and avocado toast at Goodlife Cafe and Bakery, then visit the Ford House Museum 了解门多西诺的伐木历史和太平洋灰鲸的年度迁徙. 看看当地艺术家的作品 Mendocino Art Center,然后到户外玩耍:沿着大河海滩漫步 Mendocino Headlands State Park, or hike the oceanfront bluffs at Spring Ranch在那里,海浪拍击,海豹潜水,鹈鹕跳水. Rent a bike and pedal along the Big River Trail它沿着大河及其河口而行. 

Stop 7


8651 Highway 128, Philo

The hamlet of Philo lies in the heart of the vineyard-rich Anderson Valley-绵延15英里的连绵起伏的丘陵,出产壮观的黑皮诺、霞多丽和阿尔萨斯品种. 在任何你喜欢的品酒室停下来吧 Goldeneye Winery for Pinot Noir, Handley Cellars for Chardonnay, or Roederer Estate for sparkling wines. 除了啜饮和旋转,还有更多的事情要做:在大树之间散步 Hendy Woods State Park, where ancient redwoods grow 300 feet tall. Pick up picnic sandwiches at Lemon’s Philo Market,然后在苹果树下品尝有机苹果酒 Gowan's. Down the road, The Apple Farm 出售由100多种本土苹果制成的果酱、酸辣酱和蜜饯. 

Stop 8


14025 Highway 128, Boonville

Boonville 是农场和葡萄园遍布的安德森山谷最大的社区吗, but its population barely reaches 1,000 people. 这个半英里长的小镇将朴实的牧场生活和葡萄酒之乡的都市风格完美地融合在一起. Poke around the Anderson Valley Historical Museum, housed in a one-room schoolhouse. Shop for artisan goods at Farmhouse Mercantile and vintage curiosities at Sun & Cricket. Book a wine-and-cheese tasting at Pennyroyal Farm and get acquainted with adorable goats. Visit Anderson Valley Brewing Company’s sustainable beer-making campus, 一个30英亩的“公园”,周末有现场音乐表演, an 18-hole disc golf course, and lush lawns for kids to play on. 吃个蔬菜汉堡加意大利圆面包放松一下 Lauren’s at the Buckhorn, then stroll over to Paysanne for artisan ice cream. 

Stop 9


200 S. School St., Ukiah

Ukiah is both a place and a lifestyle, 舒适地坐在牛仔休闲和葡萄酒乡村精致的交汇处. 葡萄园点缀的小镇提供了意想不到的:漫步冥想的理由 City of Ten Thousand Buddhas monastio community or dine on Malaysian-Indo-Chinese fare at the monastery’s vegan restaurant, Jyun Kang. Visit the Grace Hudson Museum 去看这位艺术家20世纪早期的土著波莫人的画作. 离市中心三英里的地方,天然碳酸矿泉水在 Vichy Springs Resort. 泡个澡,按摩一下,然后回到城里,在 Oco Time, tacos at La Cocina, or farm-to-fork fare at Cultivo.

Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

Stop 1Crescent City
1001 Front St., Crescent City
Stop 2Trinidad
57 Main St., Trinidad
Stop 3Eureka
205 G St., Eureka
Stop 4Weott / Avenue of the Giants
17119 Avenue of the Giants, Weott
Stop 5Fort Bragg
217 S. Main St., Fort Bragg
Stop 6Mendocino
45035 Main St., Mendocino
Stop 7Philo
8651 Highway 128, Philo
Stop 8Boonville
14025 Highway 128, Boonville
Stop 9Ukiah
200 S. School St., Ukiah

Car & RV Rentals

Trusted car & 房车租赁公司让你的旅行更容易

Avis Rent a Car
Enterprise Rent a Car
Hertz Rent a Car
Budget Rent a Car
Payless Car Rental
Zip Car
Fox Rent a Car
Sixt Rent a Car
Advantage OPCP
Silver Car
E-Z Rent a car
Midway Car Rental
Mex Rent a Car
United Auto Rental
Auto Distributors
Cruise America
El Monte RV

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